

You can download our software in trial mode. Saving projects is disabled until an unlock code is bought. See Purchasing for details.

Software updates and new releases

Optomodel will be updated from time to time, so keep an eye on the web site to see what’s new. Most new features and enhancements are based on user feedback and requests from our customers. To further improve our software, we welcome your opinion, so please send us your feedback.

To download, right click on the file name and choose Save Target As...

Filename Size Description
optomodel.zip 7.3 MB Version 1.0 of Optomodel
tutorial1.zip 23.5 MB Tutorial 1 - Basic Point and Face creation. Exporting.
tutorial2.zip 35.9 MB Tutorial 2 - Adding images. Calibrating images.
tutorial3.zip 15.3 MB Tutorial 3 - Simple stereo image project.
tutorial4.zip 35.4 MB Tutorial 4 - Using Layers and Materials.
tutorial5.zip 73.6 MB Tutorial 5 - Using Translations and Mirrors.
tutorial6.zip 73.6 MB Tutorial 6 - Using Texture Maps.
tutorial7.zip 8.7 MB Tutorial 7 - Calibrating a camera.
crustytv.zip 100.6 MB Example project. Old TV, textured.

Note : To install, save the zip file to a directory on your PC. Unzip to uncompress all of the required files. Run setup.exe to start the installation. If you have a previous version, simply install the new version over the existing installation.

Note : Tutorial directories are created when installing the software. Save the tutorial zip file to the appropriate directory. Unzip to uncompress all of the files to the new directory.

Camera files

Optomodel uses camera calibration files to accurately calculate 3D points. The following files are currently available :

To download, right click on the file name and choose Save Target As...

Filename Size Description
CanonA85.cal 47 KB Canon A85. 4 MPixel. No Zoom.
CanonA85_2MP.cal 47 KB Canon A85. 2 MPixel. No Zoom.
CanonA720.cal 47 KB Canon A720. 8 MPixel. No Zoom.

Note : Camera files can be downloaded into the existing camera directory.These files have a .CAL file extension.

Posting your camera files

We are constantly in need of good camera calibration files from various cameras. If you have calibrated your camera, please zip up the .CAL file and the source BMP file and send it us. If we like it, we’ll post it for downloading. Don’t forget to advise us of the Mpixel setting (e.g. 2MP, 4MP, 8MP etc…) and whether zoom is applied. A full description of the model of the camera is also required.

Copyright (c) 2008, Kakapo Software Pty Ltd. All rights reserved